$125 new, 85 returning
Acupuncture to balance hormones for lack of menses, painful periods, irregular periods, peri-menopause, menopause, or PMS. While relief may be felt after the 1st session, 3 months of weekly sessions are best to create lasting change. Moxibustion, cupping, and herbal medicine are also available at additional cost to enhance effects. Book a regular session and state your reason for coming in the note.
$125 new, 85 returning
$125 new, 85 returning
Research highly suggests twice weekly sessions for a minimum of three months help to regulate cycles, balance hormones and improve egg or sperm quality, but any acupuncture is better than none. Herbal supplementation is recommended for optimal outcomes. Moxibustion or cupping may be added to boost efficacy. Additional sessions within 24 hours before and after IUI or embryo transfer are recommended. Book a regular session and state your reason for coming in the note.
$125 new, 85 returning
$125 new, 85 returning
Acupuncture and herbal consultation for a healthy pregnancy. Weekly or biweekly visits to ease morning sickness, optimize nutrition, prevent miscarriage, and ease common aches and pains of pregnancy. Moxibustion, herbs, or cupping can be added at additional cost.
$125 new, 85 returning
Baby is gently encouraged to move into a head-down position ideal for labor. Utilizing my experience as a mom, doula, and acupuncturist, I combine a series of Spinning Baby based exercises, inversions, acupuncture, moxibustion, and ligament and fascia release to create more room to help baby move into an optimal position. You will go home with your own moxa and instructions. This is a very effective combination to help turn babies between 32-34 weeks, but it can be implemented at any time before birth. THE EARLIER THE BETTER for best results. Great for prior to an external version, and can be repeated as needed.
$150 new, 110 returning
Exercises, relaxation techniques, acupuncture and moxibustion to help ready the body and mind for a positive childbirth experience. Starting at 36 weeks, ideally twice weekly until birth. Purchase 6 sessions at once for 40 dollars off the package. Can also be used with herbs and more intensive and frequent (3X in a row) treatment to encourage the onset of labor.
$150 new, 110 returning
While it is advised that parents take a full series of classes, some are unable to do so due to time constraints. I offer a customized 3-hour childbirth education crash class.
Custom on-call labor support. This includes one 3 hour birth planning visit (in the comfort of your home), two acupuncture birth preparation sessions, unlimited telephone support, on-call, hands-on support for up to 24 hours during labor and birth, and one postpartum house call with acupuncture for both parent and child, if desired. Acupuncture, laser acupuncture, moxibustion, rebozo work, massage, cupping, aromatherapy, and e-stim included during labor, if desired, at no additional cost. Adding gift donations to your baby shower wish list is a great way to pay for a doula, and it can often be reimbursed by FSA or HSA.
Beautiful works of art made from your own placenta and umbilical cord. Custom made with your choice of style and colors. Also available, preserved umbilical cord spiral, beautifully presented in a box or bag with herbs and stones.
$125 new, 85 returning
Starting in April 2023, sessions available for processing fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum using art and meditation.
$125 new, 85 returning
Help soothe new mama jangles, aches, and pains or acupuncture for mastitis. 90-minute visit. Pediatric acupuncture for baby may be added.
A modern interpretation of a pregnancy blessing ceremony. I will help you plan and officiate an intimate ritual and celebration to honor the pregnant mother and welcome baby. Can be held at the location of your choosing alone or with guests. May include bathing or massaging the mother, belly painting, music, readings, wisdom sharing, or collective art making.
Discovering that stillbirth is imminent is one of the most devastating experiences a mother can have. I am available for on-call support in the home or hospital and offer acupuncture and herbal pain relief, grief support, and the coordination of services and rituals to honor your baby. I can gently and respectfully take photographs, footprints, or hair clippings and beautifully prepare them for you to cherish. Additionally, you may choose to save your placenta or umbilical cord, and I can make art for you to treasure that honors the memory of your baby. I can also help facilitate the donation of breastmilk or assist you in the process of drying up your milk supply. In the case of a stillborn child or SIDS death, the first 3 hours of care are completely FREE to mothers who are established patients (within the first month following the death of their child and within 5 miles of 14216). Pricing is for 3 hours and 100 dollars for each subsequent hour. Travel more than 5 miles outside 14216 is additional.
Abortion can be an isolating experience. It can be particularly complicated when the pregnancy was wanted and the choice was made for medical reasons. I am available to provide judgment-free acupuncture for pain relief and emotional support to those using the "abortion pill" at home or following a medical abortion. Pricing is for 3 hours and 100 dollars for each subsequent hour. Travel more than 5 miles outside 14216 is additional.

Acupuncture for Labor
Alt Text: 9 Month Pregnant African American woman resting undressed on her side while receiving acupuncture for encouraging labor to begin.

Pregnant Mother Preparing For Labor With Acupuncture

Mother receiving Fertility Treatment Acupuncture

Painted Placenta for Placenta Print

Handmade Placenta Print Art

Pregnant Mother Receiving Acupuncture to Encourage Breech Baby To Move Head down

9 Month Pregnant Doula Client Receiving Acupuncture for Labor Preparation

Cervical Dilation Wheel

Moxibustion For Turning A Breech Baby Head Down

Tamara Listening to Fetal Heart Tones
Fetal heart tones are monitored before, during and after sessions to encourage a breech baby to move head down.

Spinning Babies headstand technique to encourage Breech Baby to move head down
Pregnant Mama Receiving Acupuncture

Spinning Babies Technique

Little Sister points at Mama's Belly during fertility session